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Activate Your Vision Board

activate your vision board

Your vision board is complete. Now is the time to activate your vision board.

My vision board has several sections, so that I will create a plan for each section.

My project will include S.M.A.R.T. Goals which we wrote about last month.

Here is a recap of what S.M.A.R.T. Goals are:

Introduction to SMART Goals

I am going to start with health board. 

My goal is to feel more energized, so I want to make healthy changes.

First, I break the goal into smaller goals, like drinking more water, exercising more, and reestablishing my meditation practice.

These goals are broad, so I will turn them into S.M.A.R.T. Goals and list the resources and strategies I will use to help me.

activate your vision board

Drink More Water — Original vs. S.M.A.R.T. Goals

By the end of January, I will drink 64 oz of water daily.


By stating how much water I want to drink daily, the goal is specific.


I will measure the goal by keeping track in a fitness app on my phone.


This goal is achievable over time. My vision board will keep me motivated.


I expect to build up to this goal over the month.


By stating the end of January, the goal is bound by time. 


Reflect on what goals you set and analyze SMART goals.

Strategies and Resources

  • I measured my water bottle I take with me outside the house and the cup I drink with around the house.
  • I discovered that my coffee could be considered part of my water intake.
  • Use my Fitbit app to measure daily water intake.
  • Found flavor packets to add to water that increases electrolytes and has o calories.


I will also use my Bullet Journal to log, stay on track and tweak along the way.

Activate your vision board

Exercise More  —  Original vs. S.M.A.R.T. Goals

By February 15th, I will exercise for at least 90 minutes weekly.


The goal is specific since I will exercise for 90 minutes weekly.


I can measure the 90 minutes on my Fitbit.


Yes, since I am not locked into a specific time or exercise.


I can fit the time and type of exercise into my calendar.


Yes, February 15th.


Reflect on what goals you set and analyze SMART goals.

Strategies and Resources

  • Use my Fitbit to measure weekly performance.
  • Look at the calendar every week and schedule times to exercise.   


I will also use my Bullet Journal to log, stay on track and tweak along the way.


Restart Meditation Practice  —  Original vs. S.M.A.R.T. Goals

By February 15th, I will meditate twice a week for 20 minutes.




I will use the Fitbit and Chopra apps.






Yes, February 15th.


Reflect on what goals you set and analyze SMART goals.


I will also use my Bullet Journal to log, stay on track and tweak along the way.

Strategies and Resources

  • Use meditation programs like Chopra and Calm and others on my phone.
Activate your vision board SMART Goals Chart

As you can see, I have given each goal a window of more than 28 days because the research suggests that is the time it takes for something to become a habit.

I will keep you abreast of how I am doing with these goals.  If you have questions about S.M.A.R.T. GOALS, please get in touch with me. 

Mrs. Michele Hewitt-Webster, January 2023