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Career Tests MileStone Academy

Can career tests can be helpful for a high school or a professional expert?

What is a career test and why should I take one?

Career tests are tools designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal qualities affect their potential success and fulfillment with different career options and work environments. Career tests are often referred to as, assessments, in the job market.

A career test can help you find what motivates you, your preferred work environment, even which skills you like to use the most.  For instance, do you prefer to be seated, standing, or a combination of both while working? Would you rather be an artist instead of a salesperson?

Career Tests MileStone Academy
Career Tests MileStone Academy
Career Tests MileStone Academy
Career Tests MileStone Academy
Career Tests MileStone Academy

Why should I take a career test?

In the last century, career tests have played a critical role in career development and the economy. Assessments of some or all these attributes are often used by individuals or organizations, such as university career service centers, career counselors, outplacement companies, corporate human resources staff, executive coaches, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and guidance counselors to help individuals make more informed career decisions.

MileStone students take a career test

During the Winter 2020 semester, MileStone students took a career test using The tests are designed to take no more than five minutes to cut test fatigue. Some free career tests can be completed in as little as two or three minutes. However, career tests by Princeton and take a  full five minutes for an adult or student to complete. All career tests can be taken on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. However, it may take users on a smartphone or small tablet a minute longer to complete.

How much does a career test cost?

These career test results are free, student-friendly, and do not require any personal information or payment to take the test. There is also no fee to ‘unlock’ a more robust test result page. Everything is free to use on this site with zero cost. Accessing the career test results at a later time via a unique link is also free and this capability does not require personally identifiable information to be shared either.

What should I do after I take my career test?

After taking a standardized career test, you should take a test narrowed down by interests. For instance,  there is a health career test, technology career test, art career test, business career test, and trade career test.

Should I save my career test results?

We think it is a great idea to save your career test results for future reference. You can set times you want to review and even refresh your results.

You may save your results by printing the pages or saving them as a PDF on your computer or mobile device.

How long are the results relevant?

Over time, career interest change. As students and adults are exposed to new people, places, and careers, they may experience a shift in interests. If career test is over a year ago, it’s a good idea to retake it. The good news is all career tests take five minutes or less to complete. 

There are two last points to call out:

  1. This resource does not include personality questions on your tests. Diversity of thought, experience, and personality type are all important in the workforce. We do not jump to conclusions and assume one career field is better for a person based on personality.
  2. Your interests change over time. Your career interests as a high school student may vary if you took one of our tests as a college student. Remember, even though you score high in a few categories today, that doesn’t reflect what your future self may score later.

There are two last points to call out:

  1. This resource does not include personality questions on your tests. Diversity of thought, experience, and personality type are all important in the workforce. We do not jump to conclusions and assume one career field is better for a person based on personality.
  2. Your interests change over time. Your career interests as a high school student may vary if you took one of our tests as a college student. Remember, even though you score high in a few categories today, that doesn’t reflect what your future self may score later.

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